30 Years Building Mathematics & Physics Momentum GAGUT is all about synchronizing synchronicity into real life form through the SupraConsciousness. This is what the Honorable Oyibo was blessed with through God Almighty. GAGUT: God Almighty’s Grand Unified Theorem with its complexed formula can be broken down and simplified… Gij,j=0. There is a pureness that comes with boiling something to its core element… G2j(N(sub)0)=0. So read and revolutionize your evolutionize thinking through spacetime…
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GAGUT ACCOLADES: Oyibo’s Honors & Awards
Honors and Awards Professor G. Oyibo has been recognized as being closer to GOD (intellectually and in other ways), than any other human being because of the GAGUT discovery. He has also been recognized by the Nigerian Federal Government as Mathematical Genius which was inscribed on a Nigerian Postage Stamp that was issued in 2005.
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