What is Ramadan? Ramadan is the ninth month in the Islamic calendar and is considered the holiest month of the year for Muslims. During the month of Ramadan, healthy adult Muslims are required to fast from dawn until dusk. This means abstaining from eating, drinking, gossiping, bad thoughts or language, and anger. Ramadan is a sacred time when Muslims are also encouraged to increase other acts of worship, including offering extra prayer, studying the Qur’an and giving more in charity. When is Ramadan 2023? In Australia, Ramadan 2023 is expected…
Read MoreAuthor: Sacred Secret
Honorable Gabriel A. Oyibo’s Achievements Summary
30 Years Building Mathematics & Physics Momentum GAGUT is all about synchronizing synchronicity into real life form through the SupraConsciousness. This is what the Honorable Oyibo was blessed with through God Almighty. GAGUT: God Almighty’s Grand Unified Theorem with its complexed formula can be broken down and simplified… Gij,j=0. There is a pureness that comes with boiling something to its core element… G2j(N(sub)0)=0. So read and revolutionize your evolutionize thinking through spacetime…
Read MoreHistory of Timbuktu – A Multicultural African Legacy
History of Timbuktu – A Multicultural African Legacy Most people think of Timbuktu as the remotest place on earth. Others even think of Timbuktu as being a legend or place which existed only in people’s imagination. Timbuktu is located in the present day Republic of Mali at the edge of the Sahara desert.
Read MoreLiving Legacy: The Life of The Honorable Gabriel A. Oyibo
Founder of OFAPPIT Institute of Technology Dix Hills, New York GAGUTOFAPPIT.COM BRIEF SUMMARY A very special Living Legacy that solved all ClayMath Institute unsolved Millennium Theories Problems; through one Theorem [Gij,j=0], including Yang–Mills and Mass Gap, Riemann Hypothesis, P vs NP Problem, Navier–Stokes Equation, Hodge Conjecture, Poincaré Conjecture, and Birch and Swinnerton-Dyer Conjecture. A three times nominee for the Mathematics & Physics Nobel Prized Awards, but ClayMath Institute Noble Prize Nominating Committee has yet to acknowledge his notable works even though Nigeria, Germany, China, Russia, and India to name a…
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SunBlocking, Sun Dimming
Related articles: GAGUT God’s Ordered Decree
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GAGUT – “God’s Ordered” -Universal Decree Dissolves Project SCoPEx Since the unification cry of the people became unidirectional, God’s “Willed Decree” for GAGUT Gij,j=0 to dissolve Project SCoPEx is now in Motion. The Gij,j=0 Decree Reads: We, the GAGUT Intelligentsia Federation of the international and intergalactical, now activates the intention of God’s Motion. God’s Proclamation of this Decreed Declaration is ordered that Bill Gates, Keutsch Research Group, Harvard University and any and all parties and entities involved in project SCoPEx, (Stratospheric Controlled Perturbation Experiment) cease and desist; immediately, any and…
Read MoreGAGUT ACCOLADES: Oyibo’s Honors & Awards
Honors and Awards Professor G. Oyibo has been recognized as being closer to GOD (intellectually and in other ways), than any other human being because of the GAGUT discovery. He has also been recognized by the Nigerian Federal Government as Mathematical Genius which was inscribed on a Nigerian Postage Stamp that was issued in 2005.
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GAGUT demonstrates an extraordinary geometric elegance and an awesome simplicity in the unification of all of the force fields in the universe. GAGUT also proved geometrically that Hydrogen, also called Africanium, is the only real element on the periodic table of “elements” while the remaining 117 previously called “elements” are nuclear compounds of Hydrogen or Africanium, which now has a potential of making science 118 times simpler to study.
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The process of ascension into the fifth dimension The transformational process is one of a constant shifting of weights between one frequency range to another, present in a higher vibration. We experience this shift in our daily lives as different crossroads, in which the individual transforms manners of conduct, patterns, habits, mental and emotional expressions, which represents the third dimension (the physical, dual and dense) and the fourth dimension (the conscious, separate and lacking). This is realized through manners of conduct, behavior, perspectives, ways of thinking, mental patterns and expressions…
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